Full Time Work From Home Jobs
As we come out of the pandemic, one of the more popular things that people are beginning to demand is full time work from home jobs. Commerce has taken a turn and for those who have not adjusted to it, they are being left behind like the bible series.
Fortunately, the technology is made available and it is now a realistic thing to find remote jobs so that we can indeed work from home jobs. But why the demand? Why should I want to find full time work from home jobs? Is this even a real thing where people actually get paid. and with good money?
I’m going to try my best to answer all of those type of questions here in the blog article. I will also name and describe a few jobs that are hot right now, paying top dollar. If you don’t have the skills or expertise, you may be an arms reach away from learning the trade, and then getting that type of job within 3-6 months. Stay tune. As always, I got you 😉
Why Should I Be Interested In A Full Time Work From Home Job?
Believe it or not, working from home is still a fairly new concept. We are not far from the pandemic when it first started with Covid. People were still working in office and retail buildings, and this was the absolute norm. During the pandemic, everyone had to adjust and adapt to doing work from home because it was deemed dangerous to step foot in the building.
I found it hilarious that businesses did not know how to use applications like Zoom in order to function with their daily tasks. Ministers at religious institutions could not preach and teach to their congregations and for a long time, they did not adhere to adjusting to technology to air their services. Since the pandemic, religious institutions have adjusted and now livestreaming is a norm.
Since companies and instuttions have made this adjustment, working from home is no longer a weird topic of conversation. It used to be unprofessional to do video calls and phone calls while the kid are screaming in the background. Now that everyone shares similiar experiences in doing calls from home, the work culture is more understanding.
Many people who have a full time work from home job enjoy the flexibility that it gives them. Instead of at the desk with a 9-5 job where you’re sitting down and engagining in unhealthy convo with your fellow comrads, you are instead in a familiar place. You can eat the foods in a kitchen that you’re comfortable with, you can see your kids downstairs if you want to see what they’re up to, and there are a ton of other reasons why one would want to work from home.
For me, I had a 6 month old daughter that I could not take tot daycare, and my wife had to continue upstairs. I had work as well, be due to the nature of my job, I was able to work, watch my little daughter grow up, and tend to my wife if she needed anything. During this time, I was able to see my duaghter grow in ways that I would have never imagined. It was truly beautiful and I appreicate that time.
My daughter was with a babysitter before the pandemic and quarantining began, so at the time, I had no choice but to bring her home with me. Looking back on it, you wouldn’t be able to pay me enough money to be away from the house in order to go to work during that period of time. I saved a ton on gas and car mileage, my wife wasn’t spending more face to face with other people than myself, I got to cook all of our meals.
Other benefits can be such as completing house projects, having a cleaner house, being able to workout, or just the simple comforts of being at home. Of course there are some drawbacks to working full time from home but this blog is not going to cover those things.
From this point forward, I may be interchanging the term work from home jobs, with remote jobs, and teleworking. They are all the same thing. Now that we’ve covered the many reasons why someone would want to stay home and work full time, let’s talk about how to actually find one of these jobs.
What Do I Need To Be Successful At Finding A Work From Home Job?
Finding a work from home job is both very simple but complex at the same time. Fortunately, we had the world propelled into accessing tools for everyone to generally be capable for remote work, due to Covid. Since this has been the case, a perfect storm has been created. Remote jobs are everyone and it is now a suitable option for a full time job.
The question now becomes, what type of jobs are there? Do you need certain certifications? Do you need a degree? How do I even find a full time job that allows for teleworking? As I said before, it is much simpler than one might think.
Just go to Google.com, type in the filed of work that you are looking for employment in, and then type “remote”. So for me, I have a networking background. I would type something like “network engineering jobs remote”. Here are a few results that pop up for me.
If you look at the picture, it gives me a list of jobs right away. If you continue to look towards the bottom of the picture, you will see where it says “100+ more jobs”. That’s insane!
Network engineering is a job where there was no exception to not being on-premesis. Now, the unthinkable has happened, and it has happened all across the board in other fields of work. THe jobs that swore up and down that you needed to be in a building, have now made the necessary adjustments. All you have to do is click on the results, and apply.
Some jobs may requrie college degrees, and many others do not. I really depends on the field of work you’re looking for. If you do not find what you’re looking for, do not quit. You may have to think outside of the box a little bit and be a contractor to do work for hire. Within my netwoking fireld, many people are often hired for a 3-6 months contract instead of finding a person to work full time in a particular position. If that is you, you can also get paid a lot more.
If the job descriptions seem to be out of reach, do not worry. Fill out the application anyway. The sea of fish is plenty at the moment and companies are looking to hire people just like you. You have what it takes and you will get hired. There is a full time work from home job just for you.
What Remote Jobs Are In High Demand?
Have I done a good job of convincing you that finding a remote job is a sure way to further your career if you so desire? I know that it is still a fairly new concept when it comes to a full time job, but it is a legitimate thing. Lets take a look and see how much work from home jobs pay.
I’m going to touch on 3 different sectors of occupations. Your type of job may not fall in these, but I just wanted to give you an idea of what you can expect and get a feel for the legitamacy for remote jobs.
The first one I’m going to touch on is technology. I think it is important to note that I do work in this sector, and it’s one of the most popular because it is growing at the speed of light at this moment. The field of technology ranges from being a computer technician, to cyber security and cloud migration, or even health care IT.
The goal of anyone in IT is to create and maintain the users and resources in a network, so that it can run in the most efficient manner. Whether it is system administration, physically fixing computer, software programming, or creating network infrastructure, the goal is still the same. Fortunately, the majority of these things can be be done remotely.
As I said before, the pandemic has sped things up when it comes to people working from home. You do not have to phsically be in the building to make chances to accounts for a user across the world. Also, with the advancement of new technology, bisomesses are migrating to the cloud. This means more experts, and more support. New jobs are created on a daily basis and they need people like you to fill them.
The second sector I will touch on is Customer Service. I know this topic is extremely broad, but let’s try to keep it as simple as possible. If you’re doing work such as answering phones calls, administrative tasks like filling out excel sheets and sending emails for someone, these simple tasks need to be done as more businesses move to functioning online.
Being a business consultant, I know how important it is for the business owner to function in their giftings, and then let other people take care some of the other tasks that their not so equipped to do on their own. People will pay good money in order to outsource these type of tasks. This is indeed one of the ways to work from home with a full time job.
Lastly, I want to touch on Sales. This is an extremely lucrative skill that businesses need. If you have the ability to drive sales the least bit, you have the ability to create a wealthy lifestyle for yourself and your family. This doesn’t just go for those in American culture. If you’re in a land wherer selling pigs is the curreny of that land, and you have to negotiate to sale those pigs, you may be able be persuasive to sell those pigs. You, my friend, can generate a wealthy lifestyle.
I know that I gave you some obscure examples in this sections, but these are mere examples. You can expound on this section any way you desire. The point was to show you how
How Much Do Full Time Work From Home Jobs Pay?
If we stick with the examples in the previous section, you will notice that the salary ranges from from $40,000 to as much as $150,000+. Truly, depending on what you’re looking to do, you can nearly name your price. When you learn how to find a full time work from home job, you will be amazed at the opportunity to get paid doing what you love.
The remote jobs are out there. I had previously proved this in a few sections earlier in this article. The real question is what field are you looking for work in, and what is the maximum amount you desire to get paid to do that job? Do not be intimidated if some salaries and positions are a little out of reach. Apply anyway. You never know when God can open that door for you in order that you get the job.
For me personally, I refuse to work for anything less than $50/hr. That is slightly above the $100k/yr mark. If I’m contracted by a company, I ask for anything equivalent or slightly above. In my consulting business, I ask for $100/hr. Why the difference? That’s a discussion for another article 🙂
Why am I bringing this up? I know many of you who are reading this may not be able to ask for $50/hr while working a job. Some of you can, but you have imposter syndrome and to be honest, you are scared to ask for that much, but you’re fully capable. If this is you, you’re selling yourself short. I want to challenge you and tell you to ask for what you desire! You don’t get paid for what you’re worth…you get paid for what you negotiate.
Whether you’re in the IT field, the Customer Field, wiping down tables at Denny’s, being a mechanice at Jiffy Lube, ALWAYS negotiate a high pay rate. An employer’s job is to get the best talent for the cheapest price. Either way, they come out on top because they budgeted for it. If they offer you a low amount, and you accept the offer, they have just made the bargain of the century with you.
At this point, you’ve searched, you’ve looked at applications, and you should have a basic idea of what you can make while working from home with a full time job. However, if you still desire to make more money and somethings are out of your reach, you will have to strategize a little bit. All you need to know, is that if you put in the work, it is possible!
I am always listening to self-improvement and affirmation videos. I love those things. They have become part of my daily structure, multiple times a day. In one of the videos, Les Brown talks about doubling your income in a few months to a year. Bob Proctor said the same thing (rest in peace Bob Proctor), and Jim Rohn said the same thing!
As a matter of fact, some of these individuals talked about making a year’s salary in the course of a month!
I took this information to heart and figured…
“if they can do this, why can’t I?”
Les Brown said that if you want to get paid more, you have to become more valuable and develop a skill that pays more. In my case, I’m in the field of computers. I personally know someone who has a job that pays him $200k+ and he received a ton of stock in the company as a signing bonus. Now that I know it’s possible, how do I do it in my field too?
I started doing research and found that there wasn’t too much of a difference in those who me $60,000 per year versus those who do similar work, but with a twist, and they get paid $120,000 per year. I reasearched these jobs and looked studied the components of what was necessary. If I didn’t have the knowledge or if I didn’t know how to do some of the things, I would go to website like Udemy, find a course on it, and learn how to do it myself.
Udemy courses are awesome because most of the time, they are taught by certifeid professionals who have created the courses themselves, and you can learn almost anything on Udemy. If you want more of a free option, you can search for the terms on YouTube and see if there are tutorials on the things you are looking for.
After spending time learning, researching, practicing, and doing, you will notice that over the course of 2-3 months, you have developed a new skill. This makes you much more marketable and VALUABLE. Now imagine if you get some type of certification that goes along with the new trades and skills that you’re learning. You have officially bumped your salary potential up from $60,000 to $120,000 almost instantly.
Once you realize that the only thing stopping you from making a s!$t-ton of money, is YOU, the whole game changes. You’re now able to realistic strategize your next moves, and hit your income goals in a short time. I know this mindset-hack works because I nearly doubled my income in less than 12 months contracting.
Ask and you shall receive.
What If I Don’t Qualify For These Type Of Work From Home Jobs?
Many people do not feel like they may qualify for such a golden opportunity to find work from home jobs. Some may think it’s not fair, or it is cheating the system. Some think they are not simply good enough. This is imposter syndrome at it’s finest.
Imposter syndrome is when you tell yourself that you cannot do something or you don’t deserve something, and so you stop trying to attain whatever it is that you aspire to get due to the fact that you have convinced yourself that you’re not good enough. This happens all of the time.
The fact is that many of us are in weird situations of life today, due to our own decision making. You are where you are, because you have chosen to be in this place. This is a challenging statement because I understand that there are people in unfortunate circumstances due to medical hardships, or their surroundings breed negativity, etc., etc.
I get it, and I agree. There are some dark situations out there that I do not wish upon anyone, but if it is in your control, there is always something good that can come out of a dark situation. If you have the power and ability to do something, you need to do it. Get up and get that certification, cut the tv off, get up early in the morning at 430am while the kids are sleep and study that course.
If you are willing to make the sacrifices and strategize, I promise you that your goals can be realistic and attainable.
You are qualified. A job, teacher, friend, or parent doesn’t need to tell you that you are qualified. It’s your life, not theirs. Only you can dictate the outcome of your life. Not anybody else. Now go out there and kick some hiney and show people what you are capable of!
If you have a true desire to have a full time work from home job, I am proof to tell you that it is possible. I have a prayerboard at home that I created, and one of my prayer points was that my wife get a fulltime remote job, paying the amount that she desired. In a matter of months, she not only recieved an offer for a fulltime remote job, but she is getting paid much more than she ever perceived herself making.
I’m telling you this because #1, prayer actually works lol, and #2, working a full time job from home is a SUPER REALISTIC thing. I have too many friends and acquaintances who have accepted offers in the recent 4 months, getting $100k+ to do what they’ve been doing for other employers. Take the steps that I mentioned in this article, and you will be well on your way to finding that dream work from home job.